Moon Mna Womens Circle – November 9th


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Working with Feminine energy of divine mother moon to enhance our lives month to month. Gathering at half moon invites us to be poised between activity & rest – inviting reflection for growth.

Is your soul yearning community, yearning deep connection to something more?

Lumah presents Moon Mna Moon circles – These unique monthly gatherings are offered as a safe space to explore our innate drives. For millennia our foremothers sat under Seanmháthair Gealach, Grandmother Moon in Gaelic and shared, laughed, cried and healed together.

Circles are offered on the day of the first quarter. The energies of the moon as she grows from new moon to full moon offer us the perfect opportunity to review your goals & balance your priorities: to find equilibrium within.

(Mna is the Irish for ‘feminine’ – each month we work with a different element of feminine energy to enhance your daily living. Discover your inner Irish Goddess.)

November 9th

Womb Journey Moon Gathering

On the first quarter of the November Moon, you are invited to join us for a Gathering of like-hearted soul sisters to celebrate being a woman in our modern world. This workshop is a magnificent journey into your powerful energetic womb cauldron leading you to a deeper understanding of your innate wisdom & health. It is an  honour to host this introduction to the traditional ways of the Divine Feminine in sacred Circle as we explore our feminine power together.Ceremony’ before pondering our ‘Soul Moment’


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