
Counselling & Psychotherapy

When humans face adversity, it is normal for us to respond with thoughts and behaviors such as deep sadness, anger, anxiety and so on. Psychotherapists offer a space for humans to explore these states safely. To learn about themselves and ways to manage these states effectively.

As a mental health counselor, my goal is to support clients to feel a sense of self-acceptance, a sense of emotional and behavioral competence and overall to live in harmony in their relationship and various environments.

Psychotherapy is for you if...

You are experiencing stress that is interfering in your day to day functioning. This may be labelled as anxiety and/ or depression.

You have experienced one or many traumas and wish to heal from the residue it has left such as hypervigilance, difficulty trusting, racing heart & thoughts, exhaustion, lack of motivation (to name but a few). Note that trauma is subjective – all individuals experience it differently.

You are transitioning through change and could use some support to make important decisions.

Services - In Person or Online

  • Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • Fertility Loss Counselling
  • Individual Psychotherapy
  • Carers Counselling
  • Grief & Loss Counselling


Mental Health Social Work and Counseling – 60 mins – $180

NDIS Assessment, report writing & mental health social work – 60 mins – $193.99

EMDR Online & In Person

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing Therapy is an evidence based therapy that is effective for the treatment of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Anxiety, Addiction and other conditions. See videos below for more details.

Ciara has been practicing EMDR for a number of years. She favors it over other modalities of therapy as it is practical and gets results particularly for conditions that have endured for many years.

For more information on EMDR please refer to these trusted websites:

The process for standard EMDR at Lumah is typical a set of 6, 1 hours sessions for therapeutic alliance building & desensitization, followed by 4 sessions of 90 mins duration. Symptoms are then reviewed. EMDR can be safely done each week to allow for faster relief of symptoms. Clients are encouraged to be active agents in their therapy plan. Medicare rebates apply for 10 sessions across 12 months.

Online Sessions

Your privacy, safety and comfort are extremely important when experiencing EMDR on line it is important that you have:

  • A private space free from interuption
  • A PC with built in camera, microphone & speakers, it is important that your have a full sized screen – EMDR will not be effective on a small tablet or phone screen
  • Reliable internet connection (sessions cannot be refusnded due to circumstances outside of the therapists control.)
  • A local contact in case of an emergency.


EMDR – 90 mins – $270

EMDR – 60 mins – $180

EMDR Intensives

Ongoing psychotherapy is not for everyone, sometimes you require a short effective stint of therapy target a particular behavior problem or trauma source.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) intensives are concentrated therapeutic sessions designed to help individuals process and heal from trauma or distressing experiences more rapidly than traditional, weekly therapy.

In a standard EMDR therapy format, sessions are typically spaced out over weeks or months, allowing time for clients to process the trauma in smaller, manageable chunks. EMDR intensives, on the other hand, are offered over a number of sessions in a contained period of time ie. one week.

EMDR intensives are suitable for one off traumas, or chronic trauma / stress experienced in adulthood. Individuals who have experienced childhood trauma are unlikely to benefit from this intensive therapy. Ongoing psychotherapy & EMDR combined are recommended.

At Lumah our intensive courses are offered across 3 options depending on your needs. Please book a discovery call with us through the booking link to discuss your particular needs.

Option 1 Standard Intensive experience $1850 (some medicare rebates may apply)

  • 8.5 hour program
  • 7 contact hours, assessment, interventions for use at home provided.
  • Pre & post trauma symptom questionnaires.
  • 1 hour assessment & case consultation
  • 3 X 2 hour EMDR processing sessions – normally across one week – please discuss your needs.
  • 30 min reflection & debrief
  • 1 week post therapy to explore wins, symptom reduction & recommendations.

Option 2: Extended Intensive experience $2940 (some medicare rebates may apply)

  • 13.5 hour program
  • 12 contact hours, assessment, interventions for use at home provided.
  • Pre & post trauma symptom questionnaires.
  • 1 hour assessment & case consultation
  • 6 X 2 hour EMDR processing sessions – normally across one week – please discuss your needs.
  • 30 min reflection & debrief 1 week post therapy to explore wins, symptom reduction & recommendations.

Option 3: Full weekend Intensive experience - unique to Lumah ($3000)

This experience is perfect for busy people who fancy a little retreat as part of their treatment plan. Here we take full advantage of the bodies innate ability to soothe – supporting you with massage, sauna & yoga to truly embody a calm nervous system during and after your EMDR treatment.

  • Pre & post trauma symptom questionnaires.
  • 1 hour assessment & case consultation one week prior to treatment
  • 5 X 2 hour EMDR processing sessions – normally across one week – please discuss your needs.
  • Treatments for deep somatic release:
    2 X Full body massage (or equivalent),
    2 X 1 hour sauna sessions,
    3 X personalised yoga & meditation sessions.
    Choice of reiki, naadi yoga or acupressure treatments.
  • 30 min reflection & debrief 1 week post therapy to explore wins, symptom reduction & recommendations.
    Treatments will be run in a relaxed manner at your pace commencing Friday @ 9am, finishing at 1pm on Sunday.
  • 30 min call one week later to discuss symptoms reduction, wins and onward reccomendations.

Please note that accommodation is not provided. WE are happy to recommend some wonderful places locally.
10 week Payment plans are available (ie $175 / week) – please note that all accounts must be paid in full before therapy can commence. Nil refunds for part payment will be issued. All payment plans must be completed within 12 weeks.